December 2018 Vol 7 No 2

Author (s) : DOI : 10.32692/IJDI-ERET/7.2.2018.1801

1). Charles Chinwuba Ike, Enugu State University of Science and Technology, Enugu State, Nigeria, Enugu State, Nigeria

Abstract :

In this study, the point collocation method was implemented to solve the boundary value problem (BVP) of simply supported Euler-Bernoulli beams resting on Winkler foundation for uniformly distributed load. Mathematically, the BVP solved was a fourth order non homogeneous ordinary differential equation with constant parameters for the case of prismatic cross-sections considered. A two term deflection function was used to determine the residual function. Dirac delta functions at the collocation points were used in a weighted residual statement of the problem to obtain the collocation equations which were solved to obtain the unknown parameters. The results obtained were reasonably in agreement with the solutions obtained in literature using 3 term Ritz solutions. The difference between the 2 term collocation and the 3 term Ritz solutions were insignificant at less than 5.02% considering the obvious simplicity offered by the point collocation method.

No of Downloads : 91

Author (s) : DOI : 10.32692/IJDI-ERET/7.2.2018.1802

1). Dr. Heena Kher, A.D. Patel Institute of Technology, Vallabh Vidyanagar, Gujarat, India, Gujarat
2). Dr. Hetal Patel, ADIT, V. V. Nagar, Gujarat, India, Gujarat, India
3). Tejendra Panchal, ADIT, New V. V. Nagar, Gujarat, India, Gujarat, India

Abstract :

As the public and private transportation system increases, there is an urgent need of an Automatic License Plate Recognition (ALPR) system. ALPR system is equipped with many intelligent surveillance systems like road traffic management, security management and automatic toll collection system, etc. The basic steps in ALPR were accurate localization of number plate and recognition of license plate characters, which bears on the overall system accuracy. A license plate detection method was produced to find number plates from a live snap shots of a video stream showing the movement of all the vehicles in various conditions such as, non-uniform illumination, vehicle speed, background and foreground color, different weather condition, occlusion within image, etc. In this composition, the detection of a license plate from an image, stroke width transform was applied and been simulated on live snapshots. The artificial neural network based character and number recognition was applied on the detected license plate. The proposed algorithm gives 98% of license plate detection accuracy and 92.7% of number plate recognition accuracy.

No of Downloads : 47

Author (s) : DOI : 10.32692/IJDI-ERET/7.2.2018.1803

1). R. Ramaprabha, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India, Tamilnadu, India
2). T. Kripalakshmi, SSN college of Engineering, Kalavakkam, Tamil Nadu, INDIA, Tamilnadu, India

Abstract :

The transmission of electric power from a source point (front-end) to the load point (rear-end) destination offers to be a challenging one without any intermediate physical substance or either the annoying wires between them. As this originates from the experimentation of Testla in the year 1899 which is meant to be called as “World Wireless System”, his experiment was done in the concept of microwave power generation which is most suitable for long distance and high frequency applications. Apart from the methods developed the promising wireless charging technology used is the ICPT by analyzing the design of charging coils, coupler, compensation network, power level enhancement and efficiency into major criteria. WPT is the technology that reduces the troubles in usages of wires and mainly long period charging of batteries. The objective of this paper aims in dynamically charging the online electric vehicle with the transmitter embedded inside the roads and the vehicle chassis as the receiver.

No of Downloads : 49

Author (s) : DOI : 10.32692/IJDI-ERET/7.2.2018.1804

1). A. Thiyagarajan, Karpagam Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India, Tamilnadu, India
2). Dr.S.Chitra, Government College of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India, Tamilnadu, India
3). K.Sivakumar, Sri Ranganathar Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India, Tamilnadu, India

Abstract :

Recently, DC-DC converters with high voltage gain are usually required in battery powered applications like renewable energy system, fuel cells, uninterrupted power supply and automotive application. These applications demand high step-up voltage gain, efficiency and reduced switching losses. Some classical converter with magnetic coupling can easily achieve high step-up voltage gain. The power transformer volume is a problem for the development of the compact converter. The energy of the transformer leakage inductance can produce high voltage stress, increases the switching losses and reducing the converter efficiency.In this work, a hybrid topology combines coupled inductor and voltage multiplier cell is proposed to provide high voltage gain. Coupled inductor boost converter is used to reduce the volume of the isolation transformer and provide the required high voltage gain, but with penalty of high voltage, current stress and high duty cycle operation. In voltage multiplier cell based dc-dc converter, the required voltage gain is obtained by adding required number of multiplier cells consisting of capacitors and diodes. The proposed hybrid converter is used to avoid the extreme duty ratios, high voltage stress, and large switching losses. The proposed hybrid converter is simulated and the results are obtained using MATLAB/Simulink software.

No of Downloads : 43

Author (s) : DOI : 10.32692/IJDI-ERET/7.2.2018.1805

1). Ramya C., UBDTCE, Davanagere, Karnataka, INDIA, Karnataka, India
2). Shreedhara K S, UBDTCE, Davanagere, Karnataka, INDIA, Karnataka, India

Abstract :

In the world of the Internet and World Wide Web, which offers a tremendous amount of information, an increasing emphasis is being given to searching services and functionality. Currently, a majority of web portals offer their searching utilities, be it better or worse. These can search for the content within the sites, mainly text – the textual content of documents. In this paper a novel similarity measure called SMDR (Similarity Measure for Documents Retrieval) is proposed to help retrieve more similar documents from the repository thus contributing considerably to the effectiveness of Web Information Retrieval (WIR) process. Bio-inspired PSO methodology is used with the intent to reduce the response time of the system and optimizes WIR process, hence contributes to the efficiency of the system. This paper also demonstrates a comparative study of the proposed system with the existing method in terms of accuracy, sensitivity, F-measure and specificity. Finally, extensive experiments are conducted on CACM collections. Better precision-recall rates are achieved than the existing system. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed system.

No of Downloads : 46

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