December 2017 Vol 6 No 2
Author (s) :
1). Ramya C., UBDTCE, Davanagere, Karnataka, INDIA, Karnataka, India
2). R. Ramaprabha, SSN College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India, Tamilnadu, India
Abstract :
To overcome the issues on power loss due to partial shading, a new algorithm has been proposed to track the maximum power using voltage equalizer under partial shaded condition. The proposed voltage equalizer comprises of capacitor -inductor-diode (CLD) filters with SEPIC converter. In the proposed technique, the local peaks observed due to partial shading are eliminated and the extractable maximum power is increased by the equalizer. The conventional P&O algorithm can be carried out to extract the maximum power from the PV system since only single peak occurs due to the proposed technique. The system is simulated using MatLab-Simulink model and verified experimentally.
No of Downloads : 478
Author (s) :
1). Manjunath Tamate, B. V. Bhoomaraddi College of Engineering & Technology, Hubballi, Karnataka, India
2). Ashwin B. Virupakshar, B. V. Bhoomaraddi College of Engineering & Technology, Hubballi, Karnataka, India
3). Jangali Satish G, B V B College of Engineering & Technology, Hubli, Karnataka, India
4). Madhusudhana H. K., B. V. Bhoomaraddi College of Engineering & Technology, Hubballi, Karnataka, India
Abstract :
As drying is one of the accomplished methods to preserve food, the solar food/crop dryers are convenient drying methods for a feasible world. In this study, a forced convection solar crop dryer is designed and constructed to dry different crops. This paper explains the design calculations for the collector, different alternatives for the collector fins and Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) analysis of the collector fins for the performance of the different alternatives. From the study, the area required to dry 100kg of crop is 10m2; however, it also depends upon the drying time and the moisture content in the crop. Based on the CFD results among all alternatives, chamfered rib fin was selected as the best alternative. By using the calculation and the simulation results the collector is constructed and tested with different conditions. The closed drying is faster compared to the open sun drying. Around 50% of the drying time can be reduced by using the crop dryer. Because of the closed and the controlled rate of drying the quality of the crops remains same in terms of colour, texture and taste.
No of Downloads : 525
Author (s) :
1). Sahebagowda, B V B College of Engineering & Technology, Hubli, Karnataka, India, Karnataka, India
2). V.N.Gaitonde, KLE Technological University, Hubballi, Karnataka, India
3). Vinayak N Kulkarni, KLE Technological University, Hubballi, Karnataka, India
Abstract :
The lean manufacturing technology is most effective and efficient manufacturing concept which is used to improve the productivity with high quality. Based on lean manufacturing concept, the project is carried out in LCV assembly shop at one of the reputed automobile companies located in North Karnataka-India. Work standardization study is carried out and motion study is made by using Yamazumi sheet, Standardized work combination table (SWCT) and Standardized work sheet (SWS). Based on data collection number of line stoppages per day in assembly stations are identified. Among those stations critical station is being identified and using lean tools like kaizen and 5s techniques the improvements are made in those critical stations to reduce cycle time and number of line stoppages per day. The Ergonomics study and analysis is carried out as a part of this case study project to know how kaizen improvement reduces Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders (WMSDs). After improvements in critical station. Non value adding activities are reduced and therefore 4% of cycle time is reduced and number of line stoppages per day is reduced by 33% in LCV assembly shop.
No of Downloads : 537
Author (s) :
1). Dr. K. Lenin, Prasad V.Potluri Siddhartha Institute of Technology, Vijayawada, Aandhra Pradesh, India
Abstract :
In this paper, Amplified Flower Pollination (AFP) algorithm is proposed to solve optimal reactive power problem.Proposed method integrates the standard Flower Pollination algorithm (FP) with the chaotic Harmony Search (HS) algorithm to improve the Exploration & Exploitation. Chaotic sequences in Harmony search Algorithm is helpful to progress the consistency of the global optimality, and it augment the quality of the result. Proposed Amplified Flower Pollination (AFP) algorithm been tested in standard IEEE 30 bus system. Simulation results show clearly the better performance of the proposed Amplified Flower Pollination (AFP) algorithm in reducing the real power loss and voltage profiles are within the limits.
No of Downloads : 353
Author (s) :
1). Md Meganur Rhaman, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh
2). Srabony Islam, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Dhaka, Bangladesh
Abstract :
In this study we have designed photovoltaic (PV) cells based renewable energy system which is already connected with grid line DPDC (Dhaka Power Distribution Company). Manually we have calculated the COE (cost of energy) for this system which is Tk. 3.34/ kWh or unit (1 USD = Tk. 84), again we have designed and calculated the COE for the same system using HOMER (Hybrid Optimization Model for Electric Renewables) software which is also 3.2/kWh. The system we have selected that is our university AUST (Ahsanullah University of science and Technology), Dhaka, Bangladesh which is prominent and first private engineering university in Bangladesh. This university is in a preferable position for solar radiation to generation solar energy; the average solar radiation varies from 3.92 to 5.71 kWh/m2. Office of the University Engineer provided us all the required data then we have designed and calculated the COE, establishment cost and amount of money can be save from this system. Also we have mention the system is environmental friendly because of no carbon dioxide (CO2) emission from this system.
No of Downloads : 196
Author (s) :
1). A. M. Vasdewani, VVP Engineeiring College, Rajkot, Gujarat, India
Abstract :
In today’s modern cities the amount of electrical power used for street light is substantial. 60% of electricity bill of a reasonable sized municipal corporation comprises of electricity used by street lighting. Street lights are necessary for orientation in general and the perception of safety by the citizens of the city. This system is an intelligent street lighting system that has clusters of slave lighting poles communicating with a master lighting pole via two way wireless network. The poles contain dimmable LED lights that are adaptively controlled depending on the ambient natural light. The master automatically switches to midnight mode at a time when least traffic is expected on the road. A microwave Doppler motion sensor on the master pole senses movement of vehicles or individuals on the road and switches to full lighting intensity accordingly for a small time period. All slaves will follow the master in this aspect. The system has inbuilt fault detection and power measurement at all slaves and master. This data is continuously monitored and logged using IoT capabilities present on the master. This paper proposes a scheme with which this can be achieved on a small scale model of the system with 1 master and 2 slaves.
No of Downloads : 41
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