December 2016 Vol 5 No 2

Author (s) :

1). Meghraj, Chhatrapati Shivaji Institute of Technology, Durg, Chhattisgarh, India

Abstract :

To evaluate the contributions of total productive maintenance (TPM) initiatives to improve manufacturing performance in the machine shop. Due to frequent failures and breakdowns occurred in machine, require more investment on maintenance due to which increased in maintenance cost and this results into different losses at work place which cause low availability, poor performance and low quality of the output ultimately cause low OEE of the machine. The correlations between various TPM implementation factors and manufacturing performance improvements have been evaluated and validated by employing overall equipment effectiveness (OEE) in machine shop. OEE of a machine plays an important role in present scenario because it provides the information about the effectiveness of the equipment.Results obtained through the detailed study reveals the varying trends in the Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) and Total Productivity of the machines taken up for the study. The average values of OEE were found to lay between the ranges of 49% to 61%against world class standards of 85%. The results highlight the major causes resulting in the downtime and decrease in the productivity. In this paper, a comparative study between World Class industries where TPM has been implemented and industry which do not follow TPM identifies the various problems leading to decrease in the overall efficiency of the industry and provides valuable suggestions for the improvement and methodology for implementing TPM pillars in industry.

No of Downloads : 1978

Author (s) :

1). Dr. M. G. Bhatt, Shantilal Shah Engineering College, Bhavnagar, Gujarat, INDIA, Gujarat, India
2). Nilesh Pancholi, Gujarat Technological University, Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India

Abstract :

This paper highlights comparative results of traditional FMECA and multi-factor decision making approach based on "Preference Selection Index (PSI) Method" for aluminium wire rolling mill plant. The suggested study is carried out to overcome the limitations of FMECA by assigning the scores against each failure modes in crisp values to evaluate the criticalities of the failure modes without uncertainty. The primary findings of the paper is that sudden impact on the rolls seems to be most critical failure cause and high contact stresses due to rolling & sliding action of mesh to be least critical failure cause. It is suggested to modify the current control practices with proper maintenance strategy based on achieved maintainability criticality index (MCI). The outcome of study will be helpful in deriving optimized maintenance plan to maximize the performance of continuous process industry.

No of Downloads : 549

Author (s) :

1). A. Thiyagarajan, Karpagam Institute of Technology, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India, Tamilnadu, India

Abstract :

A boost dc-dc converter is one of the most efficient techniques to step up DC input voltage to a higher output DC voltage. The boost converter has many applications, such as in a hybrid car, battery charger and photovoltaic system, In this paper, the simulation of three stage boost dc-dc converter was carried out by using MATLAB/Simulink and also implemented in Hardware. The circuit is tested with variable input voltage and fixed common duty cycle for all the three switches at no load and loaded condition. The simulated and hardware output voltages are compared with theoretical results.

No of Downloads : 831

Author (s) :

1). Dr. Navita Khatri, Shri vaishnav Institute of Technology and science, Indore, Madhyaparadesh, India
2). Jaya Sharma, Shri vaishnav Institute of Technology and science, Indore, Madhyaparadesh, India
3). Namra Joshi, Sanghavi College of Engineering, Nashik, Maharastra, India

Abstract :

Economic load dispatch (ELD) is an optimization problem and defined as the process of allocating generation levels to the committed generating unit at minimum cost while satisfying all physical & operational constraints. Eberhart and kennedy suggested Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) used to solve NonConvex Economic Dispatch(NCED) problem. The performance of PSO is governed by its parameters i.e. inertia weight, acceleration coefficients, random number generation, attraction towards best and global best value, Among all performance parameters of PSO, inertia weight, is very important, which can approaches in fuzzy or linear way. In present work two strategies of Exponential Decreasing Inertia Weight Particle Swarm Optimization (EDIW-PSO) have been used to determine the ELD for 15 units IEEE systems. The effectiveness of proposed algorithm shown superior result in terms of convergence and solution quality.

No of Downloads : 556

Author (s) :

1). Sharmin Sobhan, Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology (AUST), Tejgaon, Dhaka, Bangladesh, DHAKA, Bangladesh
2). Tanvir Ahmad, Ahsanullah University of Science & Technology (AUST), Tejgaon, DHAKA, Bangladesh

Abstract :

Reduced greenhouse effect with environment friendly feature, abundance of raw materials and need of alternate electrical energy resource have revived the interest in bio-electrification technology. This paper illustrates a detailed explanation about this electricity engendering technology. The introduction on renewable energy importance for energy sector, specially focused on present energy condition of Bangladesh is followed by the prospect of poultry based biogas for the country. Theoretical foundations on electricity generation process and economic assessment for a medium scale poultry farm are also presented. With a desire to propose a control circuit, open loop behavior of buck converter is examined through MATLAB/Simulink software with the help of state space equation. To achieve constant output voltage for any input variations, design of a close loop PD controller is carried out and MATLAB/Simulink simulation is presented, which is the main contribution of this paper.

No of Downloads : 31

Author (s) :

1). A.H.Budhrani, V.V.P. Engineering College, Rajkot, Gujarat, INDIA, Gujarat, India
2). A.R.Pathak, V.V.P. Engineering College, Rajkot, Gujarat, INDIA, Gujarat, India
3). R. S. Naidu, V.V.P. Engineering College, Rajkot, Gujarat, INDIA, Gujarat, India

Abstract :

Now a day use of power electronic device in power system is increasing which creates pollution issues in the system. Most of the power quality issues is power system are due to the use of non-linear loads as they generate current harmonics in the system. Problems such as low power factor, distortion of wave shape of supply, etc. are caused due to use of these non-linear loads. Previously passive filters were used for compensation of harmonics in power system but now active filters are more preferable for compensation of harmonics caused by non-linear loads due to their various advantages over passive filters. This paper takes in account the use of Shunt Active Filter for compensation of non-linear load currents in power system using instantaneous power theory (p-q theory) which is one of the useful active filter controlling tool.

No of Downloads : 30

Author (s) :

1). C.A.SATHIYAMOORTHY, Faculty of Electronics Engineering, Satyabhama University, Chennai, India, Tamilnadu, India
2). Dr. G. Kulanthaivel, NITTTR, Taramani, Chennai, India, Tamilnadu, India

Abstract :

One of the most serious impediments rampant among diabetic patients is diabetic retinopathy which affects blood vessels. The ophthalmologists can be able to provide an appropriate treatment to the patients using the most advanced technologies like lasertreatment to avoid blindness. In this study, the author proposes a method based on binary image processing combined fuzzy logic to detect hemorrhages from diabetic retinopathy images. In the starting stage, the hemorrhages are identified by binary operations, which eliminate the optic disc for fast and easy detection. Subsequently, hemorrhages are extracted by utilizing fuzzy logic methodologies, where it uses the RGB color space of the retinal images as the fuzzy sets and membership functions. The resultant image pixels received from the fuzzy operation are separated and grouped into red, green and blue channel based pixels of the hemorrhages. This fuzzy result is computed for hemorrhages according to the portion in the hemorrhages area detected from the diabetic retinopathy images. It is evaluated by comparing the detected hemorrhages with hand-drawn ground-truth images. The extensive experiment is carried out in MATLAB software then obtained sensitivity and specificity of detecting hemorrhages as 89.65 and 99.99% respectively.

No of Downloads : 30

Author (s) :

1). Dr.B.RavindhranathReddy, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kukatpally, Hyderabad, India
2). Dr.M.Surya kalavathi, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kukatpally, Hyderabad, India
3). Mr.K.Lenin, Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University Kukatpally, Hyderabad, India, India

Abstract :

This paper presents integration of particle swarm optimization with improved genetic Algorithm for solving reactive power problem.In Standard Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm each particle studies its own preceding best solution and the group’s earlier best solution. Major problem exists in PSO is its inclination of trapping into local optima. This paper proposes a fusion method by combining a Euclidian distance (EU) based genetic algorithm (GA) with particle swarm optimization (PSO) method called as Cohesive particle swarm optimization (CPSO). Simulation results demonstrate good performance of CPSO in solving reactive power problem. In order to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed algorithm, it has been tested on IEEE 30 bus system and compared to other standard reported algorithms. Results show that CPSO is more efficient in reducing the real power loss and also voltage profiles are within the limits.

No of Downloads : 36

Author (s) :

1). Dr.M.G.Bhatt, S.S.Engineering College, Bhavanagar, Gujarat, INDIA, Gujarat, India
2). M.S.Kagthara, Atmiya Institute of technology and Science, Rajkot, Gujarat, INDIA, Gujarat, India

Abstract :

Dispatching rules are widely accepted in the industry because of the ease of implementation, satisfactory performance, Low computation requirement, and flexibility to incorporate domain knowledge and expertise. Dispatching Rules have been reviewed and Case study Problem is solved using different Dispatching Rules in this paper.

No of Downloads : 53

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