December 2013 Vol 2 No 2

Author (s) :

1). Dr. Jignasa P. Mehta, VVP Engineering College, Rajkot, Gujarat, INDIA, Gujarat, India
2). Raj R. Khirsariya, VVP Engineering College, Rajkot, Gujarat, Gujarat, India
3). Rushi H. Parmar, VVP Engineering College, Rajkot, Gujarat, Gujarat, India
4). Sagar V. Bhuva, VVP Engineering College, Rajkot, Gujarat, Gujarat, India

Abstract :

This paper describes that one of the major problem for wheelchair users is crossing the terraced road, such as sidewalks, shopping center, as well as up and down stairs. In addition, the results of questionnaires that distributed to users of wheel chairs, showed that 70% of respondents do not want anymore accompanied by a guide when have their activities inside and outside of home. To overcome this conditions an advance mechanism is needed to climb the stair and sidewalk/curb. The design includes two different main mechanisms used to resolve the problem of stair climbing namely as scissor lifting mechanism and conveyor belt type mechanism. Control system used for this mechanism is very simple in construction and normally open type. From this design, an electric wheelchair prototype that can climb stairs and turn, move back and forth, tilting seat can be adjusted, is produced. The entire movement of this wheelchair is controlled by user.

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Author (s) :

1). M. Ouda, college, City
2). S. O. Ouda, college, City

Abstract :

This paper presents the design and analysis of a star-shaped microstrip antenna for most of SHF bandapplications. The antenna size is 25x15 x1.524 mm. Multiple rectangular slots at one side of a partial ground plane were employed to enhance the bandwidth and gain of the antenna. The effect of changing slot length and width was studied. Good radiation properties over the frequency range from 3.9GHz to 24GHz were obtained. The antenna was designed and simulated using High Frequency Structure Simulator HFSS software packages.

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Author (s) :

1). N. Nagesha, UBDT of Engineering, Davangere, Karnataka, India
2). Suresh D. Mane, UBDT of Engineering, Davangere, Karnataka, India

Abstract :

Indian Railways is one of the major consumers of commercial energy in the form of electricity and petroleum diesel. Majority of the electricity and diesel is consumed for traction purpose i.e. to haul the passenger and freight trains. Next to the requirement of traction railways have 6 production units and 41 workshops which are major consumers of energy. This paper attempts to study the energy consumption in two carriage repair workshops located in south India. Personal interviews were conducted with the managers and engineers of both the workshops and the various barriers to energy efficiency were noted down. These barriers were grouped into five categories viz. Policy and Regulatory Barriers (PRB), Behavioral and Personal Barriers (BPB), Institutional and Organizational Barrier (IAOB) , Financial and Economic Barrier (FAEB) and Awareness, Information and Knowledge Barrier (AIKB). To rank these five groups of barriers four criteria’s were considered viz. Intensity of Barrier (IoB): Easiness in Barriers Removal (EoBR) and Impact of Barrier removal on Techno-economic Performance (IBTP), Impact of Barrier removal on Socio-environmental Benefits (IBSB). Analytical hierarchy process methodology was adopted to solicit the responses (twenty each from both the workshops covering the officers and senior section engineers) and evaluate them so as to arrive at the ranking of barriers based on the four criteria’s. The study concludes that both the workshops have common ranking of barriers with Policy and Regulatory Barrier being the top most impediment for energy efficiency followed by BPB, AIKB. It is quite imperative that policy decisions need to be taken in right earnest due to the precarious financial condition of the Indian Railways in the recent years due to increase in staff and fuel costs.

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Author (s) :

1). AK Singh, Defence Electronics Research Laboratory, Hyderabad, India
2). Dr. K. Subba Rao, Osmania University, Hyderabad, India

Abstract :

Pulse Compression is an Electronic Protection (EP) technique being used in the modern radars to achieve the advantages of a good range resolution and target detection capability at low power levels and simultaneously offering Low Probability of Intercept (LPI) features. Pulse Compression Radars are being integrated into the many platforms and weapon systems of the modern battlefield. The Detection and analysis of pulse compression radars demand ELINT Receiver with very high sensitivity and capability to extract inter and intra pulse modulation parameters. In this paper, Digital Receiver, a state of the art single board solution for the detection and analysis of modern radar signals in real time is presented. A novel algorithm based on the All Phase FFT is being implemented successfully in the Digital Receiver Hardware in real time making the system useful for both the ES/ELINT applications. The Algorithm is capable of extracting all the basic as well as advanced parameters of frequency and phase modulations such as Chirp, Barker, and Poly-phase codes. The paper describes various pulse compression radar waveforms and thoroughly discusses the proposed Digital Receiver Hardware and implementation of signal processing algorithms for the interception and analysis of complex pulse compression radar signals. The simulated and measured test data for various digitally modulated radar signals is presented. This type of receiver plays a vital role in the modern battlefield for ES/ELINT application.

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Author (s) :

1). Md. Meganur Rhaman, Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology, Dhaka

Abstract :

Rickshaw has become a symbol of Bangladesh, in local transport system and especially for its design and arts. Dhaka is the capital city of Bangladesh is known as the world’s capital city of Rickshaws. The word ‘’Rickshaw’’ originates from the Japanese word ‘’jinrikisha’’. In Japanese language ‘’jin’’ means human, ‘’riki’’ means power or force and ‘’sha’’ means vehicle. So, literally ‘’jinirikisha’’ means human powered vehicle [1]. In Bangladesh Rickshaw differs from its originality. Bangladesh has adopted three wheeled Rickshaw. There are no accurate figures or statics of Rickshaws that operates in the streets of Dhaka. Around 700,000- 800,000 Rickshaws are operating in Dhaka city now in the year 2012 and employ over one million people. Rickshaws account for more than half of Dhaka’s transport vehicles, 70 per cent of its passengers, and 43 per cent of the total passenger mileage. Every day, about seven million passenger trips are made in Dhaka by rickshaw over a distance of 11 million passenger-miles. This is nearly double the output of London’s Underground [2]. Still now in Bangladesh as a profession of Rickshaw driving is considered very low status job. Very a few passengers behave with respect to a Rickshaw driver. Bangladeshi people call a Rickshaw driver as ‘’Rickshawala’’. The Rickshawalas are doing very hard job, two or three persons seat down on Rickshaw and driver pull or drive them by hands or foots. It is very much inhumanity. The main objective of this paper to save them from that kind of difficult job by using electric motor instate of pull or drive manually. The Rickshaw will take charge from Grid Line Power system in off-peak time when the demand of electricity comes down.

No of Downloads : 49

Author (s) :

1). Hillary Siewobr, University for Development Studies, Navrongo, Ghana
2). K. A. Gbolagade, University for Development Studies, Navrongo, Ghana

Abstract :

In this paper, we present the new moduli set {22n+1 -1,22n,2n+1-1} for Residue Number System. Consequently, a residue to binary converter for this moduli set is proposed based on mixed radix conversion technique. We show that, the computation of multiplicative inverses could be avoided since they are either unity or powers of and present a low complexity converter that does not require the explicit use of modulo operations as opposed to mods- 22n-1,22n+1, and 24n-1 required by the state of the art. The proposed converter and the state of the art converters are implemented on Xilinx Xc4vlx15-10sf363 FPGA. The implementation results suggest that, on the average, the converter for the proposed moduli set {22n+1 -1,22n,2n+1-1} improves area and delay required by the state of the art converter for the moduli set {2n -1,2n,2n+1, 22n+1-1} by about and respectively and also improves the area and delay required by the state of the art converter for the moduli set {2n -1,2n,2n+1, 22n+1+1} by about 53.0.% and 32.40% respectively.

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Author (s) :

1). Raghu M T, Mangalore institute of Technology and Engineering, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
2). Sandeep kumar S, Mangalore institute of Technology and Engineering, Mangalore, Karnataka
3). Santhosh S, Srinivas School of Engineering, Mangalore, Karnataka, India
4). Siddanagowda G R, Mangalore institute of Technology and Engineering, Mangalore, Karnataka, India

Abstract :

The revolutionary internet and digital technologies have imposed a need to have a system to organize abundantly available digital images for easy categorization and retrieval. The need to have versatile and general purpose image retrieval (IR) system for a very large image database has attracted focus of many researchers of information technology-giants and leading academic institutions for development of IR techniques .These techniques encompass diversified areas, viz. image segmentation, image feature extraction, representation, mapping of features to semantics, storage and indexing, image similarity-distance measurement and retrieval - making IR system development a challenging task. Visual information retrieval requires a large variety of knowledge. The clues that must be pieced together when retrieving images from a database include not only elements such as color, texture and shape but also the relation of the image contents to alphanumeric information, and the higher-level concept of the meaning of objects in the scene. In most of the existing image retrieval systems, query response time depends on the database size. An increase in the database size linearly increases the query response time, or to keep the query time constant quality of the result is compromise.

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Author (s) :

1). A. L. Vaghamshi, Government Engineering College, Bhuj, Gujarat, India
2). P. L. Kamani, Government Engineering College, Bhuj, Gujarat, India
3). Patel Pratikkumar T., Darshan Institute of Engineering & Technology for Diploma Studies, Rajkot, Gujarat, India

Abstract :

Active filtering of electric power has now become a mature technology for harmonic and reactive power compensation in three phase three-wire and three phase four-wire ac power networks with nonlinear loads. Shunt active filter provides equal and opposite current to harmonic current produced by load into line. The objective of this paper is to obtain effective compensation of harmonic currents present in source due to nonlinear load and also compensation of reactive power using shunt active filter. Simulation of shunt active filter for three phase three wire networks using generalized fryze strategy gives to guarantee linearity between the supply voltage and the compensated current. Fryze strategy also gives reduction in calculations compare to pq strategy. Hysteresis current control technique is effective technique for simulation of shunt active filter. Simulation results using matlab/simulink shows that shunt active filter gives effectively compensation of harmonic currents due to non linear load and reactive power by reducing Total Harmonic Distortion (THD) in source current. The simulation results confirm the improvement of the quality of energy, by maintaining the THD of the source current after compensation well below 5%, the harmonics limit imposed by the IEEE-519 standard.

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Author (s) :

1). A.Bharathi sankar, SSN college of Engineering, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India
2). Dr.R.Seyezhai, SSN college of Engineering, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India

Abstract :

This paper presents the simulation of three-level active diode clamped multilevel inverter powered by PV. Modeling of PV and maximum power point tracking employing incremental conductance algorithm is carried out in MATLAB/SIMULINK.A double carrier pulse width modulation using inverted sine is investigated for the proposed multilevel inverter to improve the spectral quality of the output voltage. Moreover, a variable frequency carrier is employed to enhance the performance of the proposed inverter and the results are verified.

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Author (s) :

1). B V A N S S Prabhakar Rao, JNTU, Kakinada
2). P Seetha Ramaiah, College of Engineering (A), Andhra University, Visakhapatnam, India

Abstract :

Today, data analysis techniques in machine learning and statistics play a vital role not only in software industry but also in science & technology development. Software development effort is one of the most important metrics that must be correctly estimated in software projects. Almost no accessible model can estimate the cost of software with a high degree of efficiency. Every software industry has their own methodology for estimating their products with experts. Estimating effort on the basis of expert judgment is the most common approach, and the decision to use such processes as an alternative of formal estimation models. This paper suggests a novel approach intended for better understanding on how to estimate the effort, cost and for all types of software projects, including fresh development, reengineering, and maintenance. Many industries have no separate processes and tools for estimating, planning, and bidding, but merging different processes to solve their problem. Reference to actual effort of similar projects if they exist with customer satisfaction to assess expected price-to-win is more useful for estimators. Software managers treat planning and bidding the project as processes separate from effort estimation. In real scenario planning is purely depend on the estimation. They need to tie together, and then only we could reach better results. Machine Learning and Data Analytical techniques will be helpful in solving this kind of problem.

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Author (s) :

1). Aisha Fernandes, Sam Higginbotom Institute of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences, Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India, Utarpradesh, India
2). Wilson Jeberson, Sam Higginbotom Institute of Agriculture, Technology & Sciences, Allahabad, Utarpradesh, India

Abstract :

The digital information revolution has brought about changes in our society and our lives. The ability to access and "share" images has become increasingly easy with the internet allowing people to reach information from anywhere in the world.The boom of covert communication coincides with the appearance and growth of the Internet. The rapid spread of computer networks and shift to digitization of media creates a very favourable environment for covert communication. In this paper we propose a technique for secure transmission of secret data. The secret data is first compressed using a wavelet based compression algorithm and then embedded into the cover image. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed technique provides a good embedding capacity and a stego image of good visual quality. However the technique is prone to some attacks. Our steganographic technique achieves a PSNR of 24-47 db.

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Author (s) :

1). J. S. Kushawaha, Indus Institute of Technology and Management, Kanpur, Utarpradesh, India
2). K. K. Srivastava, Indus Institute of Technology and Management, Kanpur, Utarpradesh, India
3). Vipin Awasthi, Indus Institute of Technology and Management, Kanpur, Utarpradesh, India

Abstract :

This paper presents a balancing line of attack towards the serious problem of plastic waste which has arisen out of a necessity of life, and integrates the life with the plastics to exploit the plastics constructively. The useable and thrown off plastic waste both impacts the living style but in a contradictory manner. The initiatives taken in the direction of living with the plastics at our institute are brought to fore which resulted in a cleaner environment of our institute.

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